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Indoor Air Quality

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Ensure A Healthy Environment With Our Indoor Air Quality Services For Your Home In St. Petersburg, Clearwater, or Surrounding Areas

Do you wake up in the morning with a runny nose that won't stop? Do you sneeze so hard and so often you're afraid you'll get whiplash? Do you just plain not feel good a lot of the time? It could be that your indoor air quality is to blame. We spend a lot of time indoors, especially during the night, and if the air we're breathing is full of pollutants, allergens, chemicals and microorganisms, it can play havoc with our health.

Everyone wants their family to stay hale and hearty, which is why it's vital to bring all of the latest high-tech indoor air quality technology to bear in your home's air conditioning system. From advanced air filtration systems to disinfectant UV lights to maintaining proper humidity levels, there is an array of tools ready to do the dirty work to keep your air clean.

How can I improve my indoor air quality in Florida?

Improving indoor air quality in Florida, where humidity and allergens can be concerns, involves several strategies. Firstly, regularly change air filters in your HVAC system and consider using high-efficiency filters to trap more particles. Use a dehumidifier to control moisture levels, as excessive humidity can promote mold growth. Ensure proper ventilation by using exhaust fans and opening windows when weather allows. Regular cleaning and dusting can reduce allergens, as can investing in air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters. Finally, schedule professional HVAC maintenance to keep your system clean and functioning optimally, further enhancing air quality.

What are the symptoms of bad indoor air quality?

Poor indoor air quality can lead to various symptoms, including respiratory issues like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Allergies may worsen, with symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose becoming more pronounced. Headaches, fatigue, and dizziness can also result. In severe cases, exposure to indoor air pollutants may cause or exacerbate conditions like asthma or bronchitis. If you notice these symptoms improve when you leave your home or worsen when you're indoors, it's crucial to address potential indoor air quality issues, such as inadequate ventilation, allergens, or pollutants.

What Are The Biggest Sources Of Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Depending on the scientific study you read, indoor air quality is anywhere from 5 times to ONE HUNDRED TIMES as polluted as the outdoor air. But why? You can't know how to fight if you don't know your enemy. Here are some of the worst air quality offenders:

  • Asbestos - We're probably all familiar with this one at this point, but if you aren't, asbestos was a popular flame retardant that has since been shown to have a host of negative health effects. It's banned, but can still be found in older construction.
  • Infectious Agents - Everyone's exhausted from hearing about viruses and bacteria, but let's face it, they're all a threat to good health. Whether they were coughed out by a visitor or they blow in an open door, they have one goal - make you sick.
  • Radon - This radioactive element is found in soil and can seep in through your home's foundation. Making sure your levels are in a safe range is vitally important.
  • Secondhand Smoke - If you smoke, everyone in your house smokes. You may not be able to see it after a few seconds, but it's still lingering in the air, and can cause a number of respiratory issues.
  • Carbon Monoxide - Often dubbed the "silent killer" because it is colorless, tasteless and odorless, CO can be produced from gas-fired stoves and furnaces and if not disposed of correctly it can be deadly. CO detectors are a must.
  • Particulate Matter - This is a wide-ranging category that includes everything from dust, pet dander, dead skin cells, dirt, waste and a host of other unsavory characters that you do not want in your lungs.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds - Also called VOCs, these are industrial chemicals used in the manufacture of paint, furniture and other furnishings. They seep out of their source over time and can stress your health.

How Can Indoor Air Quality Be Improved?

The first step is to have your air comprehensively tested so you know your worst pollutants. Then you'll know which tools will combat them the best. Once you know what you're up against, there are several ways Harrington AC can help:

Air Purifiers

Whole home air purifiers actively scrub the air moving through your air conditioner to remove pollutants down to the micron scale.

UV Lights

Much as too much UV exposure from the sun can damage your skin, HVAC UV lights can damage or outright destroy infectious agents before they get into your home.


Maintaining a proper humidity level prevents your air from getting so dry it irritates your lungs or so wet it promotes mold, mildew and damage to walls and furniture. In our muggy climate, they're even more important.

You Deserve To Breathe Easy. With Harrington Air, You Can.

Indoor air quality is about addressing a spectrum of problems that can be detrimental to your health, but luckily we've got a spectrum of tools that can get the job done. For a consultation on your home's air quality so we can start working on the right solutions for you, message us online or call 727-477-1552 today!

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